Using a mobile or web application the user can see on the map the position of the object to which a sensor is attached.
Industry: Safety and security
Customer: An IT startup company (USA)
Project scope:
A project to create an "Internet of Things" system that contains:
In case there are any changes in the location of the watched object, the sensor will send its new coordinates to the server. These coordinates are identified via GPS data when outdoors, or via a base station identifier using Google GeoAPI when indoors.
The device is based on the Microchip PIC16LF1938 controller, a Telit modem is used. It is supplied with a GPS/GPRS module, accelerometer and battery level sensor.
Project scope:
ProWide Labs implemented the following tasks:
The project results were presented to AT&T Mexico; this solution was also presented at Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona.